Celebrating the January of 2014
Alhamdulillah, first of all am really thankful to Allah for still letting me breathe, be healthy and still have a heart and spirit to continue for this 2014!
I firstly began my year by going back to Malaysia for a short holiday which was only 3 weeks. It was crazy and let me tell you a good news! I found out that my mother has made a friendship community between some of the other elderly women in our housing area! They are taking turns bringing each other to places to eat and shop vegetables and such. One of them is Auntie Mona. She is a Chinese lady and she gave my mum a jade bracelet! So lucky my mom, I tell you. I want a friend like that as well. Hehehe =3
Anyways, will update chronologically.
First stop, makan. Eat. Burp. The end. I mean... what else do I need to explain about the laborious and delicious stalls in Malaysia right? Just look at those babies, and *drool*. The thing about me is that I like 'honest' food. What I mean by 'honest' is that, it simple and directly from the source kinda cooking. Nothing that involves an expiry date or microwavable etc kinda crap. Masakan kampung. Pure love, I tell ya. =) Well technically this is not kampung, its in Ampang beside the Petronas station, my favourite stall called 'Hawina Seafood'. Soo good, been eating there since I was a kid. So I decided to bring hubs there and he liked it himself. Very cheap as well. For 3 people, it was RM 10 including drinks.

Unfortunately, I had a predicament recently. Something that totally broke my heart until today. Let's just keep it simple by simply saying, I was taken advantage by my own friend ( now ex-friend) and a car company here in London. Fortunately, Allah had prepared help for me. He is the best saviour and people helped me. Alhamdulillah. After that, He, brought me to Cadbury world to cheer me up. OOOOOOOOO Allah, you are my bestest friend in the whole universe and beyond! I love u! Tomorrow I will be going to Ireland for a daurah and basically, it sorts of wraps up my January 2014 and begins my February 2014! I have been worrying less about my weight, which is a good thing and I want to focus on other things in life like smiling, reading the Quran seriously and planning out my life properly. I have come to a conclusion that I love myself and I do not have enough self hate to change what I feel is beautiful already for myself. Alhamdulillah. I need to stop hearing what others think I should weigh and look like. However, because I am loving myself and just focusing on myself, I have started to eat healthy again and I have been exercising 3 times this week already! Alhamdulillah. I also pray for the best for people who have made evil upon me. I hope one day they will change, or just rot in hell. *oops, terlepas*. a haha.. kidding. Ok then, till the end of next month! Toodles!
I firstly began my year by going back to Malaysia for a short holiday which was only 3 weeks. It was crazy and let me tell you a good news! I found out that my mother has made a friendship community between some of the other elderly women in our housing area! They are taking turns bringing each other to places to eat and shop vegetables and such. One of them is Auntie Mona. She is a Chinese lady and she gave my mum a jade bracelet! So lucky my mom, I tell you. I want a friend like that as well. Hehehe =3
Anyways, will update chronologically.
First stop, makan. Eat. Burp. The end. I mean... what else do I need to explain about the laborious and delicious stalls in Malaysia right? Just look at those babies, and *drool*. The thing about me is that I like 'honest' food. What I mean by 'honest' is that, it simple and directly from the source kinda cooking. Nothing that involves an expiry date or microwavable etc kinda crap. Masakan kampung. Pure love, I tell ya. =) Well technically this is not kampung, its in Ampang beside the Petronas station, my favourite stall called 'Hawina Seafood'. Soo good, been eating there since I was a kid. So I decided to bring hubs there and he liked it himself. Very cheap as well. For 3 people, it was RM 10 including drinks.
And again, we continued the journey of eating and tasting in Melaka. One day, hubs came back from work and he said, hey your mom texted me. She said she's already in Melaka with your relatives! We arranged a meeting at Pak Putra to taste his famous naan. Nice hangout!
After a few days staying with hubs in Melaka, I headed back to KL, coz my mum and I had planned a private date to Bandung together. It was my birthday present for her. <3
The things that I bought in Bandung. *Check out the Channel!!!* Bahahahaha.. RCW might be furious cos I bought that bag 1/100 of her price. *evil laugh*
Of course, the majestic Kawah Putih. I would have absorbed the atmosphere and experience better if there weren't people haggling me to buy stuff. But still, looking at it still makes me feel amazed and at awe of Allah's creation. Subhanallah.
Just after I came back from Bandung, like literally, went to hangout with Fatimah and her family. Even stayed over and all. Wish I could practically live there but cats' allergens were everywhere and kinda allergic to them. We went to publika, coffee societte and Ben's general. That night I had the worst stomach pain ever and it continued till a few days after that. Whewwwww.
After hanging out with Timah, I took the chance to meet up with ze girlfriendsssss, woohoo, amal and alodahh!! I love these girls to bits!! New resolution, no more gossiping. =) Alhamdulillah.
This is the picture where I had to drive from Melaka and my husband was asleep because he had to work overnight! Kesiannnnnnn =( Still he accompanied me to Nano's engagement! We were late, everyone was gone and those left were just the family members. Just as I had wanted and prayed for.
Am a bit claustrophobic, *cough* maybe not, but I just hate crowds. The food was relish! He added his servings a few times! =) Tq nano!
I had the opportunity to bake with my Mommeh! Actually, I did everything, she just watched. Haha.
Momsters and I. I really like to spend time with my mom and make her feel happy and special.
Macho tak? Driving from Melaka to KL tuuu. Husband tidur kat sebelah tuuu.. =) Actually, I like when he sleeps, because then, I can speed. If he is awake, he'll make sure I stay in the middle line and drive below 100. Whatevers. Haha.

Unfortunately, I had a predicament recently. Something that totally broke my heart until today. Let's just keep it simple by simply saying, I was taken advantage by my own friend ( now ex-friend) and a car company here in London. Fortunately, Allah had prepared help for me. He is the best saviour and people helped me. Alhamdulillah. After that, He, brought me to Cadbury world to cheer me up. OOOOOOOOO Allah, you are my bestest friend in the whole universe and beyond! I love u! Tomorrow I will be going to Ireland for a daurah and basically, it sorts of wraps up my January 2014 and begins my February 2014! I have been worrying less about my weight, which is a good thing and I want to focus on other things in life like smiling, reading the Quran seriously and planning out my life properly. I have come to a conclusion that I love myself and I do not have enough self hate to change what I feel is beautiful already for myself. Alhamdulillah. I need to stop hearing what others think I should weigh and look like. However, because I am loving myself and just focusing on myself, I have started to eat healthy again and I have been exercising 3 times this week already! Alhamdulillah. I also pray for the best for people who have made evil upon me. I hope one day they will change, or just rot in hell. *oops, terlepas*. a haha.. kidding. Ok then, till the end of next month! Toodles!
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