Another step into adulthood : Pillows
Hi and assalamualaikum guys,
Its been a while since my last post and I have been doing most of my ramblings on Facebook and I have also practised some self restraint on posting on social media.
Its been great but as you already know, I am a person who likes to share my experiences and day to day discoveries. * despite how mundane it could be* Hahaha. I think this post deserves a place in my blog.
There is no visible line to distinguish adulthood other than age but I don't think that is pretty accurate since maturity lies in the wisdom of the person. Kids sometimes, have more wisdom than some older people.
The topic is about pillows today is because I feel that where I invest my money counts as part of me turning into a responsible adult. Also, gathering additional knowledge to feed my ever-growing curiosity helps.
Yesterday, my husband had his day off and we decided to be productive by visiting a place that we had never been : MITSUI OUTLET in Sepang.
We had several items that we wanted to buy, but in the end, we decided to replace our household items. * so responsible , right? * XD
Growing up, my dad actually made all the pillows for our house. I remembered he asked a tailor to sew several pillowcases made by tough linen. I also remembered that he brought me on a trip to a village in Perak to buy cotton or 'kekabu' and he would later filled in each empty pillowcase till almost bursting. I can vividly recall my memories of the trees with cotton floating on its branches, as from afar, it looked like ghosts. =) He told me that we had to make sure its packed well together because overtime, it will shrink. The pillows were as stiff as boards at first and eventually soften as it ages. I complained to him the next day that my neck hurts and he just ask me to wait patiently and assured me that it will soften. We still use the pillows at home and its been more than 10 years. Looking back at this event, I am impressed how resourceful and independent my dad was.
I miss him.
When I entered boarding school, college, university and having my own apartment, I would purchase the cheapest and lousiest pillows because I felt that I rarely sleep and money is always a bit tight to splurge on household items.
However, as an adult, a good quality sleep is very important to me and my husband. A good sleep affects our mood, productivity and backbones very much, especially the backbone.
So here are the pillows that we have collected overtime from various phases of our lives. I think, it was 3-4 years ago that was last we bought a new pillow. I know, it looks super disgusting, right? hahaha.
Anyways, we bought 2 gel pillows for our heads and backbones, and 2 standard pillows for additional purposes. It was a really good bargain at the MITSUI OUTLET. We got the pillows for rm89 as compared to their original prices of rm199. There were all kinds of pillows but we decided this one was good enough for a start.
I felt a huge sense of pride and happiness exchanging my pillows and throwing away the old ones. A small gesture but it made a huge impact on me. Hahaha. #achievementunlock
Incredibly enough, I also found the cheapest queen bed spread ever!!! rm 30 only by Akemi Muchi, its a Malaysian brand despite the Japanese name facade. pfftt..
Anyways, I also bought this bean boozled that I have been eyeing for some time but failed to find it in stores. However, I found it as I was randomly walking through a baby shop searching for my friend's baby's birthday. Lol. Will try the Bean Boozled Challenge with my husband on the weekend maybe.

In the end, if we don't learn to upgrade our life, we will be left behind and trapped in a shell. Okay, now off to do the other 1001 things that I have to do! Tata!
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