Ramadhan is back 2017

Assalamulaikum and Ramadhan Mubarak!

How nice Ramadhan is here. I have forgotten the last time I felt this genuine excitement for Ramadhan. The past few years have been tough for me and I barely enjoyed it.

However, this year's will be different. I can feel the air of change that it brings. I used to feel that Allah was being unfair to me for giving me difficulties in life and kept comparing myself to those I see more fortunate.

However, this year, after a lot of meeting people and soul searching in the meaning of life, I have slowly come to understand He gives challenges to make us grow into a better human being. I hate to admit it but its true.

Looking back, if I had not gone through some hardships in my life, my current life now would be even worse. So, what's to do now? Simple, reflect and be thankful.

Set my goals and move on. Life does not end here on earth. Survive and be giving. Honest and committed spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Ramadhan 2017, I will cleanse and be reborn. Inshallah <3


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