Super Lazy Saturday


Ugh, feeling like a couch potato and unproductive at all! I am judging myself! Can you believe it?
Well this is definitely not the first time.
I have not showered and it is 2 pm already. I think I smell like rotten fish. My side of the bed is incredibly messy with unfolded/unwashed clothes, my table is full with crap!
Last week I bought some spring clothes and new bedding for my future house in June, Inshallah... =)
so many things happened last month (february) and it went pass so fast, Subhanallah..
I managed to organise and finish the semawar project and Alhamdulillah it was good.
However, nothing in this world is win win, there must be some blood, sweat and tears accompanied to finish something great, right? That itself makes the ride worth it.
It took a toll in me and I am now an EX-Member of the IKRAM organisation. It was my decision to get out of it. I think I have grown out of the usrah/organisation phase and still prefer my weekly halaqah with anybody that wants to discuss about Islam to be honest. 

Now that I am out, I can finally go to the arabic classes that I really wanted to join at the masjid and I can do other voluntary work in the weekends. I can visit my friends and hug and hang out love and cherish those around me. =) Ahhhh bliss! 

Here is an update for the tough yet satisfying February 2014. Syukur to Allah for the ups and downs. 

I went out with my family to watch 'Mamma Mia' theatre. It was so awesome and I keep singing ABBA until today. The ticket was about 36-64 range. My uncle gave us a dinner treat at TukDin restaurant and nothing beats family time. Then in the middle is Amenakin, one of our speakers for Semawar. She is so humble and awesome. And being weak about shawls as usual, I bought the same hoojab she's wearing. ;) I also went out with Kak Mims, Dalila and the gang. Sleepover and all at Canary wharf. I really wanted to go to the seafood market, Billingsgate but we all woke up late. Teehee! Lastly I went to Nouman Ali's talks with ze Ayu and Freida, Fifa and Fara.

One day, Kak Anna invited me to Le Cordon Blue to sample the delicious pastries for FREE! Alhamdulillah. Always cherish those with you, like, seriously! =) <3 <3 <3

My housemates and I are addicted to HABIBI SUSHI at Liverpool st station. Alhamdulillah its HALAL and no alcohol. Since they helped me with my Semawar, we also hanged out at Motown at Whitechapel that serves as the hang-out for youngsters with their dessert delicacies.

These are some of the presents I got during the semawar program, from Maziyah, Kak Balqis, Mc Mahanom and the team. Alhamdulillah May Allah bless you all. It was a great experience knowing all of you. =)

Life is too short. I have showered and prayed by now (yeah, takes about 3 hours for me to finish a post). Time is going tick tock and every action done is a responsibility. I wanna let every single minute that pass means/adds something in my life, Inshallah <3

Au revoir! Salam!


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