Before my graduation, I was blessed by Allah as He gave me the opportunity for my mum and niece to come over to America. Of course, I wanted to IMPRESS and SHOW-OFF to my mum that I can cook and manage my own house. And that she doesn't have to laundry my dirty socks and feed me like a little baby anymore. I think that has been the BIGGEST most MAJOR dream for all the youngest child in the family. I will always bring up the moment when she saw me at the airport. I drove in front of her in a grey Honda car (rented) and she shouted "Ya Allah, anak aku bawak kereta!!" or ( "OMG, my child is driving' a car!!"). At home, she wouldn't even trust leaving me at home alone ( 19 years old girl), let alone driving a car. Thank Allah, her heart was strong that day. Ahaks.
Here are some of our memories together eating and driving and being a last child episode in my life..most of all, me cooking for her.. =)
first stop : kedai arab |
can feed the whole house |
she's soo cute! |
my niece and I |
we are romantic like that =) |
masak lemak cili padi~ but tak jadi sgt |
my mum loves vegetables, hence the 2 dishes |
tried western food, but hmm tak jalan~ |
fruit tart |
mum at majestic hotel, chicago. That bed was all hers. I shared with my niece =) |
Majestic hotel lounge |
cute! @ millennium park chicago |
"Okay, adik amik gambar mak tgh tgk atas ok..." =_=" |
"Anak aku boleh drive!!" teriak ibunya berkali2 dari seat belakang. Si anak hanya mampu berdengus dan terus memandu tanpa menghiraukan sarcasm ibunya yang tidak henti - henti.. |
sometimes, you wonder why I am so crazy and goofy, until you met my mother.. =)
I love taking care of my parents. They would refuse that I cook, give them money, buy them expensive stuff but deep inside they are just grateful. Sometimes we forget to pray and make doa for them, but actually that is the most important gift of all. I will dedicate myself to be a better daughter for my parents in every way I can. Their happiness is my SUCCESS. Inshallah
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