Diet for real? Diet for occasion?
Hi and Assalamualaikum,
Apa lah gunanya nak tipu diri sendiri. Sememangnya berat aku ni dan byk kali turun selepas beberapa diet seperti HCG, puasa, exercise dan marie france. Tetapi semua nya naik kembali kerana aku yang bersalah! Yes, I am an occasional dieter. If there is an event that needs to be taken pictures, or holidays, I will slim down, if not I eat back up to my own pleasure. Food that I love?
Apa lah gunanya nak tipu diri sendiri. Sememangnya berat aku ni dan byk kali turun selepas beberapa diet seperti HCG, puasa, exercise dan marie france. Tetapi semua nya naik kembali kerana aku yang bersalah! Yes, I am an occasional dieter. If there is an event that needs to be taken pictures, or holidays, I will slim down, if not I eat back up to my own pleasure. Food that I love?
Of course lah :
Anything fried, the crispy the better
Anything with chocolate coated or chocolate base
Rice, rice, rice
Bread, bread, bread
However, now I have started to realize that Allah makes tests for us not to fail me but to purify and discipline myself. The food that I am taking is not healthy in the long run. Yes, I may be able to do whatever I want now but there is always a price to pay in the future okay! Eating healthy and living life with discipline and responsibility will benefit me, and those around me. Obesity is progressive. It gets worse without one realizing it, and by the time somebody shouts at you, 'why so so fat? Go die please!', then it would be too late to change and undo all the mistakes. In fact, most people tend to just give up at the critical phase. Everytime my husband comes back from the hospital, he will tell me the surgeries the took part in. And today was a heart bypass of a 45 year old man. So young! It scared me sh*tless to be honest. I want to live my life to the maximum capability that I possess as a human being. I sleep 8-9 hours per day. And I am still tired! Whoa, am just 24 years old! What makes me fat?
Of course lah:
Taking life for granted
Comfortable in my own skin
No discipline
Surrounded by people dishonest people
Now, truth be told, I have a fantastic family and friends. They are among the coolest and influential people I have ever met. And I am in the group! Wow, what an honor to be in the cool girl's club. Heh, it can also be the most stressful situation. They are so well discipline about their health and makes me want to resign from the group! =( Women and their circle, when it will ever end. Hahaha.
So, this time, I am going to change permanently inshallah for the future and hereafter, after all, our body is our temple and a responsibility given by Allah. =')
I am not going to do like previous crash diets. This time, I will just try to istiqamah a few simple rules and that's it?
Of course lah:
Eat protein, vegetable, and fruits twice a day
No processed food products
No drinks from cans
Am not going to eat rice for a month
Fast thursdays and mondays
Exercise 30 mins 4 times a week.
Update daily food dairy and photo and weight lost here in this blog.
Sounds good right and healthy too! =) Inshallah am not doing this to stress myself up. This is for a better future that is waiting for me inshallah. Fastabiqul khoirat!
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